Volunteer at the Historical Society

You could become an actor, research in the library, or supply in-kind donations

The WCHS runs entirely on the time and expertise of volunteers

The Warren County Historical Society has no paid, permanent staff. We do have individuals we lovingly refer to as “staff” from time to time. But all of our work—from helping people with genealogy research, curating displays and exhibits, and mowing the lawn—are done with the help of dedicated volunteers.

We’re always interested in people who can volunteer:

  • Giving tours
  • Serving on our Board of Directors
  • Cleaning, mowing, trimming, and maintaining the grounds and gardens
  • Helping reenact characters for holidays and special events
  • Teaching and offering special programs of historical and regional interest
  • And offering special skills like accounting, legal help, and more
A volunteer on a ladder hangs wallpaper of a local map on a wall.
You can also help with in-kind donations helping us care for the building, grounds, and more.

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